Cnc ELEXA E580 - HS
X-Axis Travel: 3.000 mm
Y-Axis Travel: 820 mm
Z-Axis Travel: 1.120 mm
Rapid Traverse X, Y, Z: 40 m/min
Tool Magazine: 30 positions, wheel type with arm
Spindle Taper: ISO 40
Electro-Spindle Speed: 20.000 rpm
Electro-Spindle Type: 022807
Electro-Spindle Power: 63//83 Nm
- Chip conveyor belt
- Electro-spindle cooling system and accessories
- Tool cooling system for emulsion/oil, external
- Automatic mobile hood
- Continuous head support
- Through-spindle cooling system with drum filter tank
- Tool cooling system air/oil, external
- Rotary table: 0+8 rpm – 2,200 Nm, H = 215 mm
- Platform diameter: 1,000 x 100 mm
- Left semi-table: 1,200 x 1,000 x 315 mm for 1,000 mm diameter platform
- Right semi-table: 1,200 x 775 x 315 mm for 1,000 mm diameter platform
- Complete enclosure
YEAR 2014
Table size 1270mm x 610mm. T slot size 5 x 18mm x 100mm .X/Y/Z travels 1067mm x 610mm x 610 mm. Min/Max distance Table to Spindle nose 152mm -762mm. Rapid traverses X,Y & Z Axis 35m,35m & 30m/min. Spindle speeds to 10,000 rpm. Spindle power 18kW. 24 ...
Made in Taiwan. With Fanuc 0iMF control, 3200/2700/900mm X/Y/Z travel, 12,000kg max table load, 60 station ATC, 6000rpm spindle and 8765 x 5500 x 4454mm footprint.